Sunday, September 16, 2012

As I was laying in bed last night the realization hit me.....

I know I will be SOOO happy when I meet my "dream man" and he takes me to be his wife, to clean for him, and cook for him, and be his.

 But then I realized that I have never thought of what it will be like leaving my siblings and parents! 

And so naturally I did think about that last night, and I realized that I will lose them. 
Not like lose as in never see them again or I will not be in their life again.
 I mean lose as in I will never have the time to sit and talk to them for hours, or be able to have dumb and pointless fights, or talk about the things we do, or help clean up the house, or give the little kids baths. Pick out church clothes. Mess around with Abi's hair, or all the other things that are to much to name, and the worst I think I will lose is our nightly family bible study! *I love that time together!!*
 Now I'm also not saying that I will never be able to do any of those things with them when I do get married it's just that I wont be able to do them as the single sibling I am now, I will have a husband and he will come first!

I know we will still be close, for me and Bb are still very close but it is a different closeness.

My point.
Enjoy the time you have with your siblings now while you are single because when you get married it will change! 
From a single-single sibling close, to a married-single sibling close.



AMorris97 said...

I'm realizing that same thing... For me it's different, because I'm not the one getting married or leaving home. It's my older sisters... I have fits when Adriane leaves. I have no sisters at home right now... =( Poor Samantha. <3

Brittany said...

Sami this is so sweet and special that you are realizing this now. It made me want to cry reading this. You are such an amazing young woman and you will make some man very very happy, but right now you are making your family very happy and your will be different when you get married. I pray that the Lord sends you your man in HIS time { and that he may live in Ga} and that you never loose sight of why you are home!
I miss you and I love you!
Love me,