Sunday, December 23, 2012

**GASP** She Updated!!!!

Hey yall!!!
How are yall doing? Please let me know in a comment for I do want to know!!!

I just wanted to let everyone know whats been going on around here! I know I am LOOONNNNGGGG over due for a real post so here is one for ya to read!!

Me and my family had that stomach bug that like everyone had at the beginning of December. Then we went and got our flu shots after we all got over that(because if Becca gets the flu she will have to be hospitalized and we dont want that!!). And then(!!) we all have a bad cold and everyone of us kids, well not Nate, have ear infections!!!!!!

But on to happier thoughts...... 
!!!!!!!!!!!!CHRISTMAS IS ALMOST HERE!!!!!!!!!!!
I love Christmas! A time to be with your family and loved ones! It is such an amazing and fun time! Making new memories wit your family!
Winter is just about here!! I LOVE winter!!! Being all bundled up! And almost freezing to death(ok not really, I mean come on I live in Georgia! But I do get so cold!)! And boots with short skirts! And tights! And long skirts! And sweaters! And scarves! And hats!! AND(if we ever get it) SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol If you cant tell I love everything about winter!!!!
It is almost another New Year!! 2013! I wonder what all it will bring? A new Niece,(Love you Millie and cant wait till you get here), and sister-in-law! And I will no longer be a teenager, I'll be 20!!!!I really cant believe that I'll be that old! 

Well that's all I have time for today! Have to go check on the little ones who are wraping their gifts for the rest of the family and then find something for dinner.

Much love to all of my dear readers!!

Merry Christmas!
Until next time,