Sunday, April 29, 2012

I Have No Idea What The Title Should Be......

Sitting listening to Daddy and Mrs Daisy(our neighbor) talk, knowing full and well I should be in bed so I can get up early to go running before it gets to hot(it is said to be in the 90's tomorrow)....
Bb, Andy and Lillie are coming down in 41 days!!! I can't wait!! I can't wait to hold Lillie!! She was almost 7 weeks last time I saw her!!!!!! When I see her next she will be a little over a year!! I LOVE her!!! :-)
I decided not to get an Ipod...I need insurance  and I hope a plain ticket to Chicago for the IBLP Journey to the Heart in August....
Garden is growing...Daddy is hatching baby chickens again....Bees are doing good now that we have a new queen...I hope we get honey and get to eat all of it(the last batch got ruined and had to be trashed).....
Got to see my "T.X.T Buddy" today!! 
Everyone is alive and kicken'......
......Yup life is good!

The Last Day.... :-(

Yes it is true! Today is the last day of the 1 Skirt 3 Days party! This was really fun! Thanks girls for hosting it!!
Skirt-made by me
I got it on sale with the color of the day!! It  was to big for me but I just took in the sides and there ya have a fitting shirt!! :-)
Flip flops- same as yesterday.

Now just because the party is over doesn't mean you have to stop coming to see me!! :-)


Saturday, April 28, 2012

Day 2....

                                Today is day two of the One Skirt/3 Days blog party. Here is my outfit
I took out the pins that I put in for yesterdays outfit so this is how long my skirt really is! I love it!!
Skirt-remade by me
Shirt-Good Will
Undershirt-Good will also
Flip-Flops- Wall-mart last year

See ya tomorrow!

Friday, April 27, 2012

One Skirt Three Days......

3 Bloggers that I follow Olivia , Natasha, and Ashley  are hosting a blogger party and I decided to join! :-)
So for my one skirt I am going to using is one that I refashioned last week, from a maxi dress to a skirt, it is the 2nd one that I have done! It is really long but I was hot this mourning so I pinned up the sides with safety pins(have you ever made a long skirt short for a day?).

See ya tomorrow!


Monday, April 16, 2012

My Life Verse......

Romans 8:25  
"But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it."

Why is it my life verse you ask? Well I will tell you! 

Ever since I was little I wanted to get married at 17 which was how old Mama was and have children soon after like Mama and Daddy did! That dream never went away like it did for some people! I never wanted to go to collage to learn something that I will probably never get to use when I did get married, or anything like that!
As I got closer to 17 my resolve only became stronger! 
On my 16 birthday my older sister got married, and not long after my 2nd older brother moved away from home making me the oldest at home, and that made my wish to get married more then a wish almost a "need"!
 After I turned 17 I got mad at God for not making it happen!  I told Him how I "needed to get married before 18"! 
I did not want to  wait on the Lord's timing I wanted it then! 
Now as I look back I know how wrong and selfish it all was!! I know how unready I was, and I'm a little still!
  One day in my personal bible study times I read Romans 8:25 and it hit me like a ton of bricks!!!!
 I was waiting for a husband, not on the Lord to make His will shown! 
When I should of been Hoping for a husband and Waiting on the Lord!!
Now that it is only 2 days until I turn 19 I still want to get married but I am  hoping for a husband and waiting on the Lord! Hoping for something that I cannot see and having the patience to wait for it!

1Corinthains  13:11 
 "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."

P.S. No I am not courting or engaged or soon to be either!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Me & The 3....

Me and Charlie
Me and Stormageddon

Me and Princess Ray-ray


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

4 Things I'm Thankful For...

  1. A family who loves
  2. A Savior who died for me and you
  3. Being able to sew 
  4. A Daddy who can fix just about anything!
Love to all,

Colossians  3:15  
"And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.

Monday, April 2, 2012

The Mini Adventures of Super Nate, Little Lee and Friends....

The Big-Bad-Wolf Comes To Visit.
"Oh help me!!" Cried Rachella. She had gone into the woods to have a tea party, but the Big-Bad-Wolf(who we will call The BBW) had and he wanted to eat her.
"Little girl...with golden hair...why do you want someone you?" The BBW asked as he licked his lips.
"Because you want to eat me! Oh HELP someone please!!"
" do yo-"
All of the sudden, out of no where, who should come but Super Nate!!
"Oh Super Nate" Rachella cried "you have come to save me!"
Super Nate started to circle them both trying to find out how to save Rachella.
" can I do this?" Super Nate thought . "The BBW is just to big and bad for me to get alone. Iv got it!" Super Nate got his super cell out of his Super cape and called someone.
With a bam! and a pop! who should appear...Little Lee!! Ten inches of kick! bam! pow! 
"Who is that?!?!?" Yelled The BBW
"Who is that? That it Little Lee! And he is here to help me! For everyone needs a little help! Now leave Rachella alone!!!"
"And why should I??"
"Because it you dont" Said Little Lee "We will have to take you to Never-Ever-Land! And you know what they do to wolves!"
The BBW thought about it for a few seconds then he took off running away.
"Thank you for saving me Super Nate and Little Lee! Would y'all like to join me at my tea party?"
"Sure!" Said Super Nate.
"Well I don't mind if I do!" said Little Lee.
They all enjoyed a nice party and The BBW did not brother Rachella for a long time.

Just something I wrote in the van on the way to the dentist.
Love to all