Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Best Meal.....

What better way to have a picnic then with Little Caesars Pizza and a Mtn Dew?

And we have some new(OK old) bikes!! Daddy got them for free!! Tim has been working all week to fix the "fixable" ones! He has 2(I think) fixed so far!! I probably will not ride any till fall(for I get sick if I get to hot) but I can't wait till I can ride one!!

Till next time!
Much Love


Matt V said...

Looks like a well balanced meal.hehe

Hey, here's a note to make you laugh. We was at church this Sunday and there were a hole bunch of visitors which made up about 20 percent of those in attendance. When worship was over I found out that I was related to them all. Who would've thunk. lol
I just wish you could've been there so I could have pointed them all out and you could've rolled your eyes.

I think I got a display name to work but just in case, this is Matt V.

Unknown said...

WOW!!! All of them?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? HOW COOL!!!!! lol *rolls eyes* :)
That does make me laugh!!!